Phylum: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Agaricales Family: Physalacriaceae
Species: Armillaria mellea (Vahl) P. Kumm.
Synonyms: Agaricus melleus
Agaricus sulphureus
Armillaria mellea var. maxima
Armillaria mellea var. minor
Armillaria mellea var. sulphurea
Armillariella mellea
Clitocybe mellea
Ffwng Melog
Common Name: Honey Fungus

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Armillaria melleaPhotographer: © Mark Wright
Photographer: © Mark Wright

Photographer: © David Mitchel Photographer: © David Mitchel Photographer: © David Mitchel
Have you a photograph, digital or otherwise that you would like to provide for this page? Or would you like to use this photograph? If so, please e-mail David Mitchel at the address given on the home page.

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View this species in its UK context on the NBN Atlas
Associated Species (where recorded) & number of records:
Fagus sylvatica (50)
Corylus avellana (16)
Quercus (15)
Quercus petraea (8)
Alnus glutinosa (7)
Acer pseudoplatanus (5)
Fraxinus excelsior (5)
Pinus sylvestris (4)
Acer (4)
Pinus (3)
Salix (2)
Picea abies (2)
Poa (2)
Crataegus monogyna (2)
Betula pendula (2)
Betula (2)
Quercus robur (1)
Tilia x vulgaris (1)
Sorbus aucuparia (1)
Larix decidua (1)
Salix cinerea (1)
Larix (1)
Acanthaceae (1)
Prunus spinosa (1)
Prunus laurocerasus (1)
Betula pubescens (1)
Habitat (where recorded) & number of records:
Woodland and scrub (27)
Woodland: broadleaved, semi-natural (27)
Woodland: broadleaved (20)
Woodland: mixed (18)
Parkland and scattered trees (10)
Woodland: broadleaved, plantation (9)
Neutral grassland: semi-improved (8)
Woodland (8)
Woodland: coniferous, plantation (7)
Woodland: mixed, plantation (7)
Woodland: mixed, semi-natural (6)
Parkland and scattered trees: mixed (5)
Boundaries: defunct hedge (4)
Parkland and scattered trees: broadleaved (4)
Built up area, domestic (3)
Acid grassland (2)
Fraxinus excelsior-Sorbus aucuparia-Mercurialis perennis woo (2)
Marsh/marshy grassland (2)
Neutral grassland (2)
Woodland: broadleaved, plantation, high forest (2)
Acid grassland: semi-improved (1)
Bare ground (1)
Boundaries: defunct hedge, species-poor (1)
Boundaries: hedge with trees (1)
Boundaries: hedge with trees, species-rich (1)
Cynosurus cristatus-Centaurea nigra grassland (1)
Improved grassland (1)
Mire: blanket bog (1)
Quercus petraea-Betula pubescens-Oxalis acetosella woodland (1)
Recently felled woodland (1)
Scrub (1)
Wet heath/acid grassland (1)
Woodland: plantation (1)
Substrate (where recorded) & number of records:
Dead Wood (44)
Soil (40)
Wood (26)
Soil Leaves (25)
Stump (22)
Soil Grassy (21)
Log (19)
Tree (12)
Fallen Tree (5)
Rotting Wood (2)
Soil Mossy (2)
Buried Wood (1)
Dead Branch (1)
Fallen log (1)
Leaf Litter (1)
Root (1)
Soil Needle (1)
Standing Dead Tree (1)
Tree, dead (1)
Months recorded in & number of records:
January (10)
February (2)
March (7)
April (14)
May (10)
June (3)
July (10)
August (15)
September (51)
October (152)
November (59)
December (2)